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Getting Started with Sourcery for the Command Line


Sourcery command line interface can be installed by running:

pip install sourcery


If you are working on open source code you don't need to log in - Sourcery will detect if your repo is open source.

Once installed you need to log in with:

sourcery login

which will open up a browser tab and ask for confirmation. This is only needed once per computer.

You can also log in via providing your token:

sourcery login --token YOUR_TOKEN

Create an Initial Config (Optional)

You can create a .sourcery.yaml config file with some sensible defaults:

sourcery init config

The main setting you might want to change is ignore. This specifies which files and directories aren't reviewed by Sourcery. Generally, you want to ignore:

  • anything in .gitignore
  • any 3rd party code

Sourcery does by default ignore certain directories, for example venv and node_modules. The full configuration including these defaults is described here.

Set up Sourcery in pre-commit and CI (Optional)

The sourcery init command also allows you to configure Sourcery as a pre-commit hook.

sourcery init pre-commit

This will either add Sourcery to your existing pre-commit configuration, or create a new pre-commit configuration file for you.

To view instructions on using Sourcery in CI, you can run:

sourcery init ci

For more information on running Sourcery in pre-commit or CI:

Reviewing Code with the CLI

To review a file or a directory (recursively) with Sourcery, use the sourcery review command:

sourcery review

Fixing Code Quality Issues

To apply the changes suggested by Sourcery, use the --fix option:

sourcery review --fix {file_or_directory}

Running Sourcery in the Command Line

Reviewing Code with the Google Python Style Guide

Sourcery contains a rule package based on the Google Python Style Guide. To review your code with that rule package, you can use the --enable option:

sourcery review --enable google-python-style-guide .

To use the style guide rules, as well as the default rules, you can run:

sourcery review --enable default --enable google-python-style-guide .

Reviewing Only Changed Code

If you want to introduce Sourcery incrementally in your project, a great way to achieve this is to review only the code you're currently adding. For that, you can use the --diff option.

To review only code that hasn't been committed yet:

sourcery review --diff "git diff" .

To review the diff compared to the main branch:

sourcery review --diff "git diff main" .

Only Applying Specific Rules

To apply specific Sourcery refactoring rules or tags, you can use the --enable option multiple times:

sourcery review --fix --enable use-fstring-for-concatenation --enable use-named-expression {file_or_directory}

Note that this will override the skip refactorings configuration in your sourcery.yaml project and user configuration. It will respect the source code skip comments, as well as the Python version you have configured.

Further Info

For more about the various features and options of the CLI, check out the reference docs