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Coding Assistant Configuration

Enabling/Disabling the Coding Assistant

In order to use Sourcery Chat or the Sourcery Coding Assistant you need to opt into sending relevant pieces of your code and your messages to third party model providers.

If you haven't previously opted in you can click into the Sourcery sidebar (click on the hexagon logo in the sidebar) and click the opt in button.

You can also control your opt in status through your user level sourcery.yaml file. To enable the Coding Assistant add the section:

coding assistant:
    enabled: True

To disable the Coding Assistant update that section of the file to:

coding assistant:
    enabled: False

Code Lens Configuration

Code Lenses are the Sourcery command shortcuts that appear above a section of code (eg. Generate Tests) and trigger a response from the Coding Assistant. To disable the Code Lenses go to the Sourcery extension/plugin settings in your IDE and uncheck the Sourcery: Code Lens option.